Gluten free protein powders are a thing. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or hoping to build muscles, protein is an essential part of the diet, and you should not held that from yourself just because you can’t or won’t eat gluten.
On this post we include some of the best brands of gluten free protein powder so you could have all the information available.
One of the ways to meet your daily protein needs is through protein powders.
But if you have celiac or allergic to gluten, you also have to find gluten free protein powders that will fit your diet.
10 Popular GF Protein Powder Brands
Here’s a quick look at the best gluten free protein powder brands:
Body Fortress | Bodylogix |
GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey | Muscle Milk |
Labrada Meal Replacement Shake | PlantFusion |
Thorne Research | Vega One |
Quest Protein Powder | TGS Nutrition Whey Protein |
1. Body Fortress
The protein powder by Body Fortress is marketed as a gluten free whey protein brand, formulated to bring you a blend of concentrate and isolate.
Sure enough, it proudly flaunts its gluten-free label to ensure that its consumption is completely safe if you are suffering from celiac disease or gluten allergy.
The powder is packed with amino acids, which means that it boosts the recovery of muscles after workouts.
The powder is available in many delicious flavors. It might be a little gritty in texture, as it does not have soy lecithin, an ingredient that makes protein powder soluble for a smooth texture.
2. Bodylogix
This powder is a mix of isolate, hydrolysate, and concentrate of whey protein.
Plus, the package clearly mentions that it is gluten free. In addition, it also contains no sugar.
Instead, the sweetener used in this protein supplement is stevia. So it is ideal for those looking to cut off sugar and gluten completely.
That’s not all. To ensure complete safety, the protein is extracted from the milk of grass-fed cows only, and is formulated without artificial flavoring or coloring agents.
It is also preferred because of the reduced lactose content in it. The powder dissolves easily in liquid and is available in many flavors.
3. GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey
GNC offers a wide variety of protein powders. If you’re looking for a gluten free variety, pick the Pro Performance 100% Whey protein powder.
Be careful because the other varieties of Pro Performance are not gluten free. It is available in six delicious flavors. So you can pick your favorite one – or even more!
It contains all nine essential amino acids required by your body. This blend of concentrate and isolate is free from sugar content, and is therefore the perfect fit for your zero-carb, sugar-free diet.
Shake it or stir it – the texture of the drink will always be smooth because the powder dissolves really well in liquid.
4. Muscle Milk
Muscle Milk is a protein powder that shows off the gluten free seal on the bottle, making it a favorite among people with celiac disease and gluten allergy.
The powder is all about dairy protein, with a blend of casein protein and whey protein isolate. It is also loaded with corn fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
It comes in a wide range of flavors, including cake batter, cookies and creme, and graham crackers, all of which are gluten free. This protein powder is an ideal dietary supplement.
It not only helps you meet your protein goals but also helps with muscle recovery and boosts the growth of lean muscles.
5. Labrada Meal Replacement Shake
This meal replacement protein shake powder is formulated with a blend of whey protein concentrate and protein isolate derived from milk, whey, and soy.
It is also pumped with sunflower oil and corn MCT oil, along with vitamins and minerals. The part, of course, is that it’s gluten free, as marked on the bottle.
The product does contain oats for additional fiber content, but since the final product is tested and marked gluten free, you can rest assured that it contains less than 20 ppm of gluten, which is safe for you.
The protein powder comes in a variety of flavors and is a delicious way to add protein to your diet.
6. PlantFusion
PlantFusion’s Complete protein powder is the ideal product for those who want to stay away from dairy or animal products.
It has a base of pea protein isolates, with a mix of artichoke, sprouted amaranth, and quinoa powders, all of which are organic. In addition, it is free from gluten and all other allergens.
This protein powder is sweetened with fructose and stevia, and it is available in a large number of flavors, along with an unflavored variant, giving you complete flexibility.
It contains amino acids, and this powder matches animal-sourced protein powders in building and repairing muscles to make you fit.
7. Thorne Research
Thorne Research offers three different varieties of protein powders – Whey Protein Isolate, VeganPro Complex, and RecoveryPro.
All of these products bear a gluten-free seal to ensure that you get to choose a protein powder that builds muscles and boosts speedy recovery without gluten consumption.
Of these three protein powders, only VeganPro is completely free from animal protein and is made of pea, rice, and chia seed proteins.
The other two contain whey protein. RecoveryPro is primarily targeted towards the recovery of muscles after workouts. All variants are packed with amino acids and nutrients.
8. Vega One
A vegan, organic whole food protein powder that is also GF. This one has a bunch of good stuff for you including vitamins and all the protein you can handle, while still keeping a delicious taste.
A great choice for people with Celiac or just some who want to avoid gluten with their protein bars or shakes.
9. Quest Protein Powder
What we like about this brand specifically, is the range of yummy flavors, while other brands also offer different flavors, this brand takes it to the next level with chocolate cookie and many other great flavors to choose from.
Not only is this gluten free, but also soy free.
10. TGS Nutrition Whey Protein
While last on this list, it doesn’t mean this brand is not really good. It is! It’s a simple recipe for success, with only 2 ingredients and nothing else you don’t really need anyway, this protein powder is a huge success.
No added sugar, no gluten, and no GMO’s – this product can be on your list for sure.
All of these products are labeled gluten free, meaning they have been tested and found to contain less than 20ppm of gluten.
What is Protein Powder anyway
Protein is an indispensable part of the diet if you want to stay fit or build muscle. It is the building block of every part of your body – from bones to blood, from muscles to nails and hair.
If you go to a dietician or talk to your gym trainer, you’ll know how important it is to set a target for your daily protein intake.
But what exactly is protein powder? Simply put, it is concentrated protein derived from both animal and plant sources.
Animal sources like eggs and dairy and plant sources like rice and peas are packed with protein.
Their protein content is extracted and grind into powder, which is what you get in the box. Usually you mix the powder with water, or your favorite liquid to create a drink that is packed with protein.
Protein powders comes in three types:
1. Protein Concentrates
60-80% of protein concentrates are made of protein, while the rest comprises carbs and fat. These are extracted from whole foods, and the process of extraction requires heat, along with acids or enzymes.
2. Protein Isolates
This form of protein powder comprises 90-95% protein. That’s because the process of making it involves an additional step of filtering. This helps to remove carbs and fat to concentrate the protein further.
3. Protein Hydrolysates
The production process involves further exposure to heat and enzymes or acids, which breaks the bonds. The body absorbs hydrolysates quickly. They also raise levels of insulin, especially as a whey protein.
Some protein powders also contain other nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Calcium is predominantly found in some of them.
It is best to go for unsweetened protein powders so that the carb content in them is lower than the ones that are loaded with sweeteners.
If you are not heavily into fitness, bodybuilding, weight lifting, or athletics, you can still benefit from the consumption of protein powders greatly.
They will help you meet your protein goals. This helps to maximize muscle mass and shed excess fat from the body in a healthy way.
That’s not all. Some people need more protein than others do because of their health conditions or age.
Unfortunately, their regular diet may not be enough to get that kind of protein, especially if they are on a vegetarian or vegan diet. For them, protein powders can work wonders.
If you are a healthy adult and are not heavily into physical activities, on a regular diet with animal protein sources should be enough for you.
You will not need to add protein powders to your diet. It is, however, a good idea to go to a dietician if you are struggling with body fat or weight issues.
What to look out for
Whether you use plant-based protein powder or consume animal-based ones, there’s a possibility that the powder contains gluten.
This can be a problem if you have celiac or allergic to gluten, you have to ensure that the protein powder you’re buying and are about to add to your diet does not contain gluten.
You have to look for the gluten free label on the package of the product, just as you do in the case of all products that you buy.
If a product being in the US has a GF or Gluten Free label, that means that the product has been tested to check its gluten level, which has revealed that it contains less than 20 ppm of gluten.
20 ppm is the permitted level of gluten in a food product and anything less than that means that the product is safe.
At the time of buying a protein powder, you need to look for this label. Also make sure that it has received its certification from a reliable third-party organization, like GFCO.
In fact, the GFCO seal means that the product contains 10 ppm of gluten or less. The organization has very stringent laws, for a good reason.
The GF seal also means that the facilities where the protein powder has been manufactured, processed, or stored follow all set standards to avoid cross-contamination.
Types of Protein Powder
- Whey
- Casein
- Egg
- Soy
- Pea
- Hemp
- Rice
- Mixed
There are various types of protein powders available in the market. These differ primarily from each other based on the source from which they are derived.
It might be derived from both plant and animal sources. Some of them are quite popular, like whey or pea, while others are comparatively lesser known.
Let’s take a look at the different categories of protein powders that you can choose from –
a. Whey
It is probably the most popular protein supplement – one that is regularly used by anyone looking for additional protein.
It has milk protein that’s easily soluble in water. The reason it is so popular is that it is considered a complete protein source, with all the amino acids your body needs and absorbs easily.
b. Casein
This protein supplement is packed with amino acids called glutamine. This ingredient boosts muscle recovery after a workout session.
That is why it is a favorite choice among bodybuilders. Casein contains dairy, and your body will take time to digest this protein. Nighttime is ideal for its consumption.
c. Egg
This protein powder is made from egg whites, and, as we all know, egg whites are an excellent source of protein.
This product has become a popular choice for those who are allergic to dairy but prefer animal proteins in their diet.
Egg white protein powders are quite light and get easily digested by the body.
d. Soy
For vegans, one of the most popular choices is soy protein. It is a rare plant-based protein powder that is entirely composed of protein.
It is also a great source of all the essential amino acids required by your body. Soy powder is known for providing muscle strength. It is also rich in other plant compounds.
d. Pea
Another popular choice is pea protein, which is an excellent source of arginine, an amino acid that releases insulin and growth hormones.
It is also a rich source of other amino acids that boost the production of muscle protein while fueling working muscles. It is also known to lower blood pressure.
e. Hemp
Hemp seeds from cannabis plants. But don’t worry; it will not make you high.
That’s because it comes from only the variety of marijuanna that’s bred to contain THC in trace amounts.
It contains moderate protein levels and not enough lysine, an amino acid. But it has lots of fibers and other nutrients.
f. Rice
Another vegan protein powder comes from brown rice, and even though it contains low amounts of lysines, it is still a reliable source of plant-based protein.
It boosts the strength and recovery of muscles when you consume it regularly. You need to look for a brand that gets tested for arsenic contamination.
g. Mixed
Since different plant sources of protein have different strengths and weaknesses, mixed protein powders are a great choice.
They bring together the goodness of different plant protein sources like alfalfa, flax seeds, chia seeds, quinoa, and more, so that your body gets sufficient amounts of essential amino acids.
There are different protein shakes that can vary on the basis of quality. Hence, their prices will also vary.
You should look at the labels to ensure that the powder you’re buying has been tested for harmful materials like arsenic.
It’s best to pay a little extra for a healthy protein powder from a reliable brand.
Protein powder can become an essential part of your diet. It can help with weight management by keeping you full for a long time and curbing your binge-eating cravings.
As the building block of the muscles, it can bulk up by boosting muscle growth and repairing damaged muscles.
It can also help strengthen your muscles and boost recovery after workouts, especially resistance training.
If you’re into physical activity or facing trouble meeting your protein goals, protein powder can help.
However, if you are allergic to gluten or have celiac disease, it is important to ensure that the protein powder that you are planning to consume does not have gluten content in it.
The best way to do this is by picking protein powders that are labeled gluten free. The seal is proof that the product is safe for you.